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MAGNA F1 RULESIt is time to establish rules for the basis of our championship. This season will be marked by the spirit of fair play. It is time to clarify things so that we can begin a season without twists.You must respond accepting these rules, if not, you will not be allowed to race.1 - Basic rulesI think that is the most important. Everything here must be written in FULL ENGLISH. Failing to do so will mean a warning, following that, suspension from the forum. It is important we do this so that our European friends can understand and communicate with us.Second important thing, listen to the admins. Very, very important on the server or on the forum. Unmanageable for us, if everyone talks about his race, we would like for 2009, races and qualifications to be quiet.3rd point, BE ON TIME, you must be here before qualifying starts to avoid lag.4th point, All drivers must have a Magna Carta SuperLicence, to achieve this, you will be monitored by our admins for consistency and speed, this is an amateur league so if you are too fast, we will not give you a license.2 - The Week End of races:Free practice sessions 24/7 on Elitenoob servers, at worst 4 days before race.All times are GMT- 19h55: All drivers must be on the server.- 20h00: Start of the qualifying session- 20h20: Qualifications completed- 20h25: Start of GP- 21h00: End of the race (Maximum of 20 laps or 45 minutes)2.1 Race Starts:A highlight of the league. If more than half of the drivers crash on the first lap, the race will be restarted, If drivers continue to crash, then they will be disqualified.2.2 The SC Reds and Procedures:The SC will be on track after a major accident, whatever your position. It remains on the track for 2 laps, and departs. Latecomers are not allowed to double, you have the right to refuel when on the track.Red procedure, the decision is taken by Spooner, Tyler or Drinkwater. This procedure indicates that there is a bug somewhere.3 - Allocation of points- 1st: 25 pts- 2nd: 21 pts- 3rd: 20 pts- 4th: 19 pts- 5th: 18 pts- 6th: 17 pts- 7th: 16 pts- 8th: 15 pts- 9th: 14 pts- 10th: 12 pts- 11th: 11 pts- 12th: 10 pts- 13th: 9 pts- 14th: 8 pts- 15th: 7 pts- 16th: 6 pts- 17th: 5 pts- 18th: 4 pts- 19th: 3 pts- 20th: 0 ptsNo bonus points.Article 5.0: Attitude of drivers in the raceWe will define what is allowed and what is not to prevent tactics unsportsmanlike or suicidal.5.1 Exceedances:A good driver is waiting for the best time to pass, it does not good in sensitive areas of the circuit where a clash may be inevitable. We would suggest heavy breaking areas and long straights to make an attack.A good attitude in the race provides a great appreciation and respect for his opponents.The defender has the right to fall back once to close the door as long as its rear wheel does not collide with the front wheel of the attacker.In the event of a collision we record a video and the 3 admins of the league + 1 random member FIA analyze the action.5.2 Presence of shortcuts (cutting corners):The rules regarding cutting corners are set by the game itself. However,excessive cut or not following the route will be punished. Werely primarily on the fairness of the participants do not benefitexcessive generosity of the gameWhen a cut is made unintentionally disproportionate, and that gain of one or more places, should return to its original place before the end of turn away from thetrajectory, even if the game has caused a warning. Note that anypath cut voluntarily for a win or a pole ispunished.5.3 Back on the track (after leaving the runway, baffle cut, etc. ...):After leaving the runway, when you return to it, it isessential to return along the track in the direction of the circuit,Even if such a maneuver you lose time. It is forbidden to forcethe transition when you return to the track. Wait for it to be releasedback on track.Reminder: any car which suffered damage returning to the pits mustgo wide on track as far as possible.Article 6.0: LatecomersAll drivers must arrive before qualifying. After voulutary practice, there will be 5 minutes where one of the admins will check MSN for anyone missing. Once qualifying has started, you will not be able to join.Section 7.0: DisputesIn case of dispute between several drivers, drivers can carry acomplaint to the FIA if they feel they were injured by another driver in the race following a collision or other problem.Article 8.0: Chat during formal meetings (Qualifications & Courses)Chat in the game is prohibited during the official qualifying sessions and race. The chat is possible when all drivers have completed their course or qualification. Only members of the FIA are allowed to talk on the chat, of course this power of speech will not be used except in major cases.